High performing Teams
The Five Behaviors™
Unlock Your Organisation's Untapped Potential with The Five Behaviors™ offers adaptive, research-validated testing that gives participants precise and personalized results that deepen their understanding of self and others. Combined with Patrick Lencioni’s model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results, both teams and individuals are able to transform culture and rise together.
The two solutions focus on either:
Personal development to help individuals better understand themselves and their team through the principles of The Five Behaviors
Team Development to help participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together.
The solutions are designed to help team members and leaders use the The Five Behaviors model to function more effectively so their teams can achieve their potential. Watch the short video from Wiley and Patrick Lencioni to learn more

The Five Behaviors Development Programs
Using the framework of Five Behaviors we can design a program to work with your team and organisation. Participants can benefit from these programs and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together. Team members better understand how they and others contribute to their team’s development, and how their part of the whole can make or break the team and its dynamic.
When these programs are supplemented with coaching both one on one and teams, the learning and transformation is enhanced and real change can happen.