What is Leadership Circle Profile?
The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is a unique integrated 360 framework for breakthrough performance and improved business results. The LCP framework helps leaders to raise their game and play to win vs playing not to lose.
With increased complexity and uncertainty in our times, successful leaders are those that can perform at a pace with the rate of change. LCP allows the leader to gain a snapshot of their leadership effectiveness. It creates immediate awareness of how they perform as a leader, with actionable areas to implement.
This transformative personal and professional experience focuses on developing competencies needed in being agile in a VUCA world. It is a catalyst to increase leadership effectiveness and improved impact towards better business results.
Learn more about the framework model
Leaders 1:1
Over 3 sessions
6-20 participants
1-2 Facilitators
Over 3-4 sessions
Switzerland or Virtual
Varies dependent on delivery type and number of participants due to the assessments that will be administered.
Virtual Option: This coaching / workshop can be delivered virtually
Better Leadership means
Better Business Results
Who will benefit from this framework?
The LCP enable leaders and organisations to raise consciousness for leaders to make change. The LCP takes a systems approach to build organisational competencies and can be delivered across the organisation. The framework can be delivered
One on One for Leaders
One to One for Managers
Workshop for Team or teams throughout the organisation
The LCP is also backed by over 20 years of empirical leadership development research which shows the high correlation between leadership effectiveness and tangible business outcomes.
Focus on developing leadership competencies and behaviours; they will understand the link between their inner experience and their outer impact, identifying areas for growth. One framework that can be used with the whole organisation.
What is Covered in this Experience?
The Leadership Circle Experience provides:
Assessment: Each participant receives a detailed profile that reveals the relationship between patterns of action and internal assumptions that drive behaviour. LCP allows you to get to the source of the behaviour to get greater leveargage on change. Measuring two primary leadership domains - Creative competencies and Reactive tendencies, LCP integrates this information so that key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface.
- Facilitated Debrief with certified Leadership Circle Coach. The Coach uses the framework and discussion to lead the participants through the powerful Leadership Circle model, and their profile. LCP reveals itself in seconds - putting leaders in touch with what is working, what is not and why!
Download a sample report to learn more.